How to install gnhastweb

  1. Run the normal gnhast build. This will substitute the @PERL@ with your real perl path.
  2. Edit cgi-bin/rrdjson.cgi. Change $path to the location of your generated rrd files. These would be wherever you told rrdcoll to put them.
  3. Copy all the cgi-bin/* scripts to the cgi-bin dir of your webserver.
  4. Copy the "css", "scripts" and "fonts" directories to the docroot of your webserver. (ie, like /htdocs/css, etc)
  5. Copy favicon.png (if you want) and gnhast-icon-48.png to the docroot.
  6. Copy jsoncoll.cgi from your installed bin directory to your cgi-bin directory.
  7. Edit your jsoncgicoll.conf file in your etc directory. An example:

jsoncgicoll {
        instance = 1
gnhastd {
  hostname = "electra"
  port = 2920
  1. Copy the example gnhastweb.conf file to the cgi-bin directory of your webserver. Edit it to your heart's content. The example activates most of the features, many can be disabled.
  2. Copy header.html to the cgi-bin directory of your webserver.
  3. Connect to your webserver, it should work?